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Equipment Auditors Club course now online

Published Fri 15 May 2020

As is with the way we are doing most things now in these strange times, the Club Equipment Auditors course has been adapted to be provided as an online seminar.

By including the CEA course in Australian Sailing suit of online courses, we have also now made attendance more achievable for our more regional club members who would like to take on the auditor role within their club. The Club Equipment Auditor seminar is aimed at educating Australian Sailing members to assess Category 3-7 racing vessels and their compliance to the Special regulations.

The course has been adapted to be held over 3 hours in a webinar scenario.  There is still plenty of opportunity to ask questions and engage with the presenter during the course.

The prerequisites to attend the CEA course are:
•    Obtain a Letter of Endorsement from an Australian Sailing affiliated Club then upload it (in PDF format) when registering online for the CEA seminar.
•    Read the Equipment Auditors Code of Conduct Policy then agree to abide by it when registering online for this CEA seminar.
•    Print and complete the Equipment Audit Exam prior to the accreditation seminar. You will be required to submit your completed paper to the presenter on the day of your seminar.

All details including course time and dates can be found on the Find a Course page of the Australian Sailing website -

By Melanie Peasey
