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Marine weather safety checks

Published Thu 01 Dec 2022

A tenet of sailing safety is checking the weather before you go out, and it is as relevant to the race committee as it is the crew on board.

The Australian Government’s Bureau of Meteorology recommends five vital checks when it comes to going out on the water. These are:

  1. Are warnings current for your boating area?
  2. Are there weather conditions affecting safe navigation and comfort?
  3. What are the wind trends?
  4. What are the wave conditions?
  5. When is the next high and low tide?

The Bureau’s warnings for marine areas are updated every six hours and checking these are the highest priority. There is also the MetEye service that enables you to look at wind forecasts and what the likely wave conditions will be.

Staying up to date on the weather is just as important as the safety equipment carried on board. Keep an eye on the horizon and if threatening weather is approaching, make a sensible decision.

We’re also excited to let you know that Australian Sailing has reorganised all of its safety resources to make it easier for you. Check out the new Safety Hub here!

The Bureau’s weather and safety information is here.
Information about the five vital checks is here.
The MetEye service is here.

By Glen Stanaway
