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Visible Sail Numbers

Published Tue 02 Mar 2021

As the season kicks off again it is a timely reminder that sail numbers need to be clear and visible for all Race Management to see.

Imagine having to score a boat incorrectly or give a DNF because the sail numbers of the boats you are finishing could not be identified correctly, or if a pack of boats are coming down to finish with spinnakers up and you cannot tell who is who.

Two articles have been written previously on sails numbers and ensuring they are visible.

· An article on ensuring sail numbers are in contrasting colours to the sail can be found here:

· And the other giving information on sail numbers on spinnakers here:

Remembering though that sail numbers are not just for identification on the racecourse, it is imperative they are clearly visible in case of a search and rescue situation. 

By Melanie Peasey
